Dharmi® method, gps for your life trilogy

Mindful Resonance [Volume 1]

Mindful Resonance is the first book in the trilogy in which Christelle Chopard shares her holistic approach to sustain well-being and to cultivate personal growth based on the integration of nature’s wisdom and natural cycles.

This book is an invitation to explore uncharted paths, and to discover useful tools that will assist with living in harmony with yourself and surroundings. The alignment of the seven frequencies provides balance, mindfulness and clarity on your journey.

When you take a moment to clarify your thoughts and align yourself with the resonance of a positive intention, it changes your mindset and your perspective.

Elements on the Journey [Volume 2]

Are you curious to explore how the Elements of Nature complement each other to support a balanced lifestyle? Are you inspired to create a vision with mindfulness and positive intention?

This book will serve as a reference and guide, helping you to integrate nature’s wisdom in your thoughts, actions, relationships and organization. The author shares many tools for stress management with examples and a clear approach based on the five elements of nature.

You will find three main segments in the book: teachings about the Five Elements based on a dharmic approach; examples on how to integrate those Elements for self-professional-development and to navigate life transitions; lastly how to integrate the Five Elements in different healing modalities.

Cycle of Evolution [Volume 3]

This book provides tools for stress awareness and management. It reveals the way to navigate life transitions with clarity and compassion. Five steps to navigate life transitions with mindfulness.

The steps guide us from our starting point, who we are now, towards a new point of reference—one that is closer to our full potential. Through clearly defined steps, A Cycle of Evolution offers accessible techniques to clear emotional, mental, cell and muscle memories, along with limiting core beliefs.

It will serve as a reference and guide that can be used regularly to clarify your mind, nurture healthy self-esteem, and move through progressive cycles along your journey. It is an holistic approach based on the Five Elements to navigate life transitions with mindfulness and compassion.


Christelle Chopard is the founder of the DHARMI® Method, a guide for our daily lives based on positive intentions, the law of attraction and wholesome values.

Originally from Switzerland, Christelle is now based in Florida, where she set up the headquarters for the Institute of holistic development and stress management. She is an author, visionary, holistic therapist, yoga and qigong instructor, handwriting expert, pioneer in the field of holistic therapies and coaching, and entrepreneur.

Christelle Chopard, together with other DHARMI Holistic Consultants and Facilitators support men and women worldwide to clarify their path and access their true potential.

Books Available on Amazon.com

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