Navigate life with love

There are many ways and forms to experience love. This beautiful inspiring word is used and interpreted in so many different perspectives and circumstances. We may be aware that love is a feeling, love is a state of being. Yet it is strongly influenced by our relationships, our culture, and environment.

We all relate to love in our own way.

Love is a spark that keeps us moving, that inspires us along the journey. Love can be interpreted in many ways.

Sometimes we project that love quite intensely onto a person. We attach so much to them that we may “fall” in love leading us to lose balance and sometimes to crash with an open heart. We may have a few scratches and wounds in our hearts, yet there is nothing like love itself to support healing and wellbeing.

Love offers profound healing properties for our selves and for others.

Most of us remember our very first love story and notice how it has never ever been the same after that special one. The love for a husband, for a child and for more people around us gives us the opportunity to open our heart, to develop flexibility and to expand ourselves. The love we feel for a friend may be very different than the love we feel for our children or for our spouse. It may not be more or less love, but just “different”. Love can be experienced in so many tones, intensities, and sensations.

What does love mean to you?

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